5/14/2023 0 Comments Pastor's PenBeloved, are you as appalled as I am at the amount of profiteering surrounding false religion in our day? Just look at the false teachers who tickle the ears of their vast followers on TV, radio, or the WEB. Follow the money stream; examine their extravagant lifestyles and you will see that they have nothing in common with those who offer the unadulterated gospel message from pure motives of serving the Lord.
But today’s spiritual trafficking is nothing new. Go back in history and look at Martin Luther's complaints against the Roman Catholic Church. Look at how he exposed the church, which took advantage of its people's faith for monetary gain – through the practice of the selling of indulgences. Yet, as we know there is nothing new under the sun. In today’s study we look at some spiritual trafficking, which occurred on Paul’s second missionary journey while in Philippi. In this instance, a young slave girl was used by her owners (pimps) for, not the sex trade, but the religious trade. Beloved, there can be no peaceful co-existing with false religions and their greedy exploitation, no tolerance of demonic religious superstitions with their false promises and false hopes. Jesus Christ and Gospel must stand alone!
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February 2025