9/24/2022 2 Comments Pastor's PenBeloved, there is a pattern developing in the Book of Acts on whom God uses.
Notice: when God wants to reach the Ethiopian Eunuch what does He do? He brings Phillip to speak to the Eunuch. Notice: when God desires to bring Saul to Himself He uses Stephen and Ananias to speak to Saul. Notice: when the Lord desires to reach Cornelius that He will use Peter to speak to Cornelius. Why doesn’t God just tell the Eunuch, Saul and Cornelius Himself? Why? Because God confines Himself to use people to reach other people! Beloved, God wants to use your mouth, your feet and your hands. Are you available? Are you going to be obedient? Beloved, God has a vision for you! His vision for you is that He desires to use you! God uses people. God will use you if you allow yourself to be used of God. Remember that He is looking more for availability than for ability. Are you available? Blessings- Pastor Joe
9/18/2022 0 Comments Pastor's PenBeloved, of all the people in the Bible, besides Jesus Christ, the one person I desire my life to emulate is the person of the Apostle Paul. Since Paul ministered most of his life as a single man, I can relate to him. I want to have his passion for the lost, his desire for the truth and his relentless and uncompromising push to finish the race for which he was called. Honestly, I often wonder how he lived the life he lived. How he did not involve himself with the affairs of this world but was totally heaven and Christ minded.
Adrian Rogers said this of Paul in his message entitled, “How to Measure a Man.” He said, “There he goes, the greatest Christian who ever lived, can you see him, humpback, hobbling along, his body, bent, broken, scarred from the whippings, the stonings, the imprisonments, being pickled in the Mediterranean Sea, a little grey head, squinting eyes, the greatest Christian who ever lived.” Beloved, in a world, which measures success by brawn, brains and bucks, Paul was consumed with Jesus Christ and Christ alone. No one has a great life that lives a selfish life. Beloved, may our lives be poured out as a love offering for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Blessings- Pastor Joe 9/11/2022 0 Comments Pastor's PenBeloved, we long to be in the right place at the right time. When these two elements come together the result is astounding. When we first came to Christ we were at the right place at the right time. When you first met your spouse you were at the right place at the right time. Imagine…that the Creator of the universe can place you at the right place at the right time in order to help bring eternal life to a lost soul.
It was with immediate obedience, with little information but complete trust in the God who guides that Philip set out on his adventure. For God to summon Philip from a thriving ministry in Samaria to the wilderness of the Judean hills was not an irrational move. God's goal is not only “quantity” but also “quality,” in the sense of an ethnically diverse body of Christ. Beloved, in a day when four of six billion have yet to hear the gospel within their own language and culture, we should not be surprised to see God calling our most effective evangelists to go to remote places. And like Philip, they should obey immediately and unquestioningly. Beloved, God has created us to be at the right place at the right time. See it, feel it and trust it. See His face, Feel His presence, and Trust His love! Remember, today is only the beginning of a beautiful adventure with our Creator. Enjoy! Blessings- Pastor Joe 9/4/2022 0 Comments Pastor's PenBeloved, weeds are a problem. If you have ever grown a garden, you understand the problems that arise and the necessity for weed control. For example, a class three weed is classified as a plant that poses a
potentially serious threat to primary production or the environment of a region to which the order applies. The control for this weed is that the plant must be fully and continuously suppressed and destroyed. Beloved, the early church had a weed problem. If the enemy does not come as a lion to devour then he'll come as a serpent to deceive and come he did in the person of Simon the Sorcerer. Simon was a weed among the wheat. Jesus had mentioned this upcoming weed problem. His advice in Matthew 13:30 was, "Let both grow together until the harvest. and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, "Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn. The unfortunate thing about weeds is that sometimes it is difficult to tell the weed from the wheat. Are you a weed or are you wheat? Blessings- Pastor Joe |
January 2025