11/26/2023 0 Comments Pastor's Pen Beloved, the Apostle Paul had just had two glorious opportunities to present the Gospel blown up in his face. Having spoken before a group of Jews and then before the Sanhedrin, he was now faced with doubt and fear.
It wouldn’t be surprising if Paul sat alone in his jail cell that night, with his head in his hands and tears streaming down his face, mourning the lost opportunities for God and how he might have spoiled them. Paul probably wondered if God would ever want to use him again, or if this was the end. But remember, though Paul was alone, he wasn’t alone; because if everyone else forsook him, Jesus was enough. Better to be in jail with the Lord than to be anywhere else without him. Paul had been miraculously delivered from jail cells before; but this time, the Lord met him right in the jail cell. The Lord knew that Paul needed encouragement. Beloved, the Lord knows when you need encouragement. So, TAKE COURAGE that the Lord will stand with you in your time of need! Blessings, Pastor Joe
11/19/2023 0 Comments Pastor’s PenBeloved, we live in a world where we face many ups and downs, where we face many positive and negative situations. So what do we do and how do we respond when we are facing a negative, a verydifficult situation? For some it will be some sort of a loss: e.g. a job or a relationship. For others it may be an illness either physical or emotional or it may be a spiritual attack of some sort, like persecution. So how should we respond to a negative situation?
Beloved, I believe that as we study this portion of Scripture, we will learn how to remain positive in a negative situation. First of all we need to accept the situation as God ordained. We need to calmly accept God’s will. Certainly this is easier said than done. Secondly, we use the circumstances as an opportunity to minister. This is difficult to do because so often we are stuck in the middle of self-despair but when we take the focus off ofourselves, the Lord’s rest and peace can flood our hearts. It is as Corrie Ten Boom said, “Look outside and be distressed, look inside and be depressed, look to Jesus and be at rest.” Beloved, may the Lord Jesus Christ flood your hearts with rest and peace! PS. Hope to see you Wednesday Evening and Thursday Morning at the Turkey Bowl! 11/12/2023 0 Comments Pastor's Pen Good morning, today the youth will be assisting in the ministries here at Grace Calvary Chapel!
Today’s teaching will be on 1 Peter 4:1-11, where the reader is exhorted to be a good steward in the new life that Christ has provided for us, in the power and promise of His word, in the gifts He has provided and the love that He so graciously exhibits towards us. STEWARD DEFINITION – a person whose responsibility it is to take care of something. We certainly know from His word that God has called us to take care of something. In His Service, Jimmy Rosas 11/5/2023 0 Comments Pastor’s PenGood morning beloved, Pastor Joe and Sheila greet you in the love of Christ, please keep them in prayer as they are visiting family and enjoying some time together.
Today we have Pastor Oscar Gallegos from Irapuato, Mexico teaching in Pastor Joe’s stead. Have a blessed Sunday and week! In His Service, Jimmy Rosas |
January 2025