4/21/2024 0 Comments Pastor’s PenBeloved, it has been reported that Sir Ernest Shackleton had placed this ad in an English newspaper: “Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success.”
What Sir Shackleton envisioned was becoming the first to make a trans-Antarctic crossing from sea to sea. The expedition began in 1914 and ended uncompleted in 1917. The reason that Ernest Shackleton has been lauded as a great leader was that all 28 men aboard the vessel, Endurance, made it back safely. Through trial and toil and severe winters, they all made it out alive. Beloved, as we study this portion of Scripture, we must note that on the way to fulfill Paul’s desire to reach Rome he ended up shipwrecked. That shipwreck could have easily defeated Paul and left him with utterly depressed. However, Paul did not give up. He executed endurance, and continued to press on! Beloved, on your way to your destination, you may end up shipwrecked. Remember the shipwreck is only part of the journey. Do not give up but persevere! Blessings- Pastor Joe
4/14/2024 0 Comments Pastor's PenBeloved- what you need during a hopeless situation is a courageous stand! According to Charles Stanley there are six purposes that motivate God for allowing the storms of life:
(1) Cleansing: to get our attention Psalm 119:67, 71 (2) Companionship: God desires that we walk in an intimate relationship with Him. We must be reading His Word, listening to Him; talking to Him and seeking His mind and heart to find His will for our life. Psalm 57:1-3 (3) Conformity: conforming us to the likeness of His Son. (4) Comfort: God does not always want to just do something IN us, but often His ultimate goal is to do something THROUGH us. But if you want to be a blessing to others, you have to be broken. A vessel that's unbroken has very limited use. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (5) Convictions: pain and suffering solidifies your conviction that God is sufficient, He is with you and will care for you. (6) Change: Paul is a great example of one who changed when God got his attention on the Damascus Road. Remember, the deeper the valley, the darker the storm and the more intense the pain, the greater the preparation of your heart to be a blessing to other people. Blessings- Pastor Joe 4/7/2024 0 Comments Pastor's PenBeloved, I want to thank those of you who attended our fellowship on Easter Sunday. In addition our Easter Sunrise Service was conducted on the property that we are desiring to purchase for our fellowship and the future site of our new church building. Please continue to keep this opportunity in prayer! While we do not currently have all the funds necessary to purchase this property, please remember that with God all things are possible!
Also, today is Youth Sunday and our youth will be leading the church service. Pastor Jimmy will provide the teaching while the youth will lead worship, help with ushering and communion and all other facets of a church service. May we all continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Blessings- Pastor Joe |
January 2025