7/28/2024 0 Comments Pastor's PenBeloved, at this point in the book of Colossians, Paul is concerned that the believers are not led astray from Christ. The danger in Colossi was real; false teachers had come into the church and were trying to substitute Paul’s teaching with human reasoning, Greek philosophy, Jewish legalism and eastern mysticism. That teaching was pulling the believers away from Christ so that they were looking to other things to meet their spiritual needs. So in Colossians, Paul sets forth the sufficiency and adequacy of Christ in the life of the believer.
Colossians 2:10 says, “And you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.” Another word for filled in him is complete. You are complete in Christ! Hence, when you become a Christian, you have everything you need. Now you grow and you don’t grow by addition. You grow by appropriation by knowing Him, loving Him and walking in Him. You don’t need human philosophy, psychology, Greek mysticism, Jewish legalism or what the cults have to offer. You have Christ. But all you need to do is discover who Christ is, what Christ has done, what He has made available to you and what you have “in Christ.” Then start to appropriate what is yours “in Christ.” Beloved, you are complete in Christ! Blessings- Pastor Joe
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