12/29/2024 0 Comments Pastor’s PenI hope everyone had a very merry Christmas.
Beloved, this morning we are having our Youth Led Service, encouraging them in their service unto the Lord. We will be learning what the Lord Jesus teaches on the “cost of discipleship” and how those lessons can be applied in our relational commitments. In our walk with the Lord may we be “All In” every day and every step of the way. In His Service, Jimmy Rosas
12/22/2024 0 Comments Pastor’s PenBeloved, we are soon to once again celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the human Son of Man and the divine Son of God. He is one hundred percent human and one hundred percent God.
While there were many people instrumental in the birth of Christ, this morning we will look at His birth through the eyes of Joseph, His legal father. There is not too much known about the man who would care for Christ as He grew up. We know that Joseph was possibly a carpenter but most importantly we know that he was a righteous man who did the right thing. When others would have ran away from a responsibility that was not even their own, Joseph stood steadfast and remained faithful to the end. We can learn much from his character and apply his attributes of faithfulness, purity, and perseverance to our own lives. May you have a Blessed Christmas week and may Christ always be at the center of your lives! We hope to see you at our Christmas Eve Service, Tuesday @7:00PM. Blessings- Pastor Joe 12/8/2024 0 Comments Pastor’s PenBeloved, the message of Christmas is God with us. That is important to know, especially during those times when we are going through great difficulty. We know that the Bible never teaches that we will have problem-free lives as followers of Christ. But the Bible does teach that we never will be alone. God is with us: Immanuel.
What a staggering thought, God is with us. That is the message that this sin-sick world needs to hear, that God is with us! To do this, Beloved, God had to become a Man. Today we will explore what this meant for Him and for us. Today beloved, I want you to place the hopes and fears of all of your life on that little baby, who grew up to be a man who came to the earth to die for the sins of the world. He wants all of them so that He can comfort you and bring you peace! Beloved, today, the hopes and fears of all the years are met in the person of Jesus Christ! Blessings- Pastor Joe 12/1/2024 0 Comments Pastor’s PenBeloved, next Sunday we will commence our Advent series as we focus on the birth of Christ, look at His first arrival and anticipate His Second Coming. Today however we will continue our study through the Gospel of Mark.
Here in these eleven verses we find Jesus ministering to Peter’s Mother-in-Law and then to many others. Jesus was often healing and preaching, and we will focus on those two elements today. Now, as Christmas approaches, I pray that you will find yourself in awe of the wonder of Jesus and His love to each of us. Allow yourself to focus on Christ’s love for you this season. Blessings- Pastor Joe |
January 2025